Last night in New York City, The Edison Awards were bestowed upon the best and brightest innovators and innovations in the country. Recognized among them were Bill and Ron Bonnstetter and TTI, whose research and Performance DNA assessment enabled The Kern Family Foundation to spearhead a nationwide effort to improve the graduation rates of college engineering students.
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I use DISC, PIAV, and TriMetrix assessments provided by TTI (Targeted Training International). It is wonderful to see TTI receiving this award and recognition. I have found that their assessments surprise people with their accuracy. I don’t mean just general accuracy, but the accuracy of the detail.
DISC measures behavior styles. Behavioral styles are not personalities. They are the style of living that we wear on our sleeve. I can see your behavioral style. It is how you act, talk, listen, solve problems, lead, etc. It is possible to sit in an international airport and recognize the styles in the travelers from other nations and cultures. DISC measurement is accurate around the world. People are very different around the world. However, beyond cultural uniqueness the four styles are embedded in and expressed by every human.
The four styles are the DRIVER, INFLUENCER, STEADY, and COMPLIANT/ANALYTICAL. Nobody is only a “D”, or “I”, or “S”, or “C”. The styles evolve from four “how‘s.” How we make decisions. How we influence people. How we relate to change. How we solve problems. No one of us can get through a day without acting in all four of these styles. We all act more comfortably and with greater strength in two styles and with less energy in the other two.
Do we gain the most from understanding our own style blend, or from being able to identify and understand another’s style blend? Either one makes a huge difference in how we handle our relations with specific people. The two together provide a rock solid platform for dealing effectively with people.
Let me offer one quick example. The Driver is decisive, tough, impatient, and direct and does not listen well. The steady is calm, is comfortable with process, patient, amiable listens carefully and values close relationships. Let’s just take one Driver characteristic and see it in this interaction. The Driver values his/her time and values your time. At the end of a conversation, she/he might simply walk off. The Steady sees an abrupt end to the conversation and feels anger from the Driver.
In the same cross style meeting a Driver who knows his/her style distribution will handle this ending very differently. She/he will know that the Steady is a good listener and expects that courtesy in return. The Steady also is comfortable with process and there is a social process to ending conversations. Our enlightened Driver finishes what she/he has to say and asks the Steady for their opinion. The Driver listens, really listens, to the opinion. The Driver then thanks the Steady for the conversation. The Steady feels heard and respected. The conversation process is formally closed.
Contact me about assessments and coaching to turn the understanding styles into a vital tool for learning, communication, team work and success. 303-917-6617 nconsulting2@qwestoffice.net


“THE ONLY PURPOSE OF A CORPORATION IS TO RETURN PROFITS TO THE INVESTORS.” Sounds like something straight out of THE GODFATHER. Remember all those guys that murdered, or were murdered, or both, who insisted it was “just business?” This philosophy makes a drug cartel a better business model than dairy, automaker, or Microsoft.
This gangster philosophy of the corporations probably owes a lot to second and third generation of gangster families who have”gone straight.” They bring their basic world view with them. There’s not that much difference between having Sammy “whacked” because he was edging into your territory and causing the deaths of people with your industrial pollution. Both make money for the stockholders by eliminating costs.
This way of thinking produces some interesting road blocks for other purposes of the corporation. You might think the primary purpose of a hospital is to save peoples’ lives and enhance their health. How does this work with the stockholder profit objective of keeping the beds full? It certainly makes preventative medicine undesirable.
I learned recently that one of the local hospitals, a great hospital, I might add, has over 200 kinds of prescription drugs on back order. The reason? Although these drugs will save lives and improve health there is not enough profit in them for the pharmaceutical manufacturers. These same manufacturers have wonderful vision statements of joy and healing.
Here’s another pill paradox. Many pain pills are addictive. Prescription drug addiction is the biggest addiction problem in the United States. Adults get it from learning that the pills that stopped the pain make you feel really good when the pain stops. Children get it from their parents’ medicine cabinets, buddies at school bringing treats from their homes, and from valid prescriptions.
It is possible to add chemicals to pain drugs that cause discomfort, if you take more than a prescribed dose. There are also chemicals that can be taken separately that block the effects of the pain pills. The pharmaceutical corporations are not rushing these drugs to market. The illegal sales of these pain pills are as large as, sometimes larger than the legal sales.
The corporation may claim to sell its soul for the benefit of stockholder profits. That claim is not true. The payment for the soul is skimmed off the top in “C” level salaries, bonuses and pension plans. The sharks at the top of the chain swallow most of the benefits. What do they need these huge sums of money for? Why, to live like drug lords!


I have written about a plan for creating a support structure for alternative healers. As I have begun work on this project one mentor and I have injected a consideration into my planning. The project is too big and I will never finish it.
The mentor estimated 8 years to get it off the ground. That estimate was based on the breadth of the final support structure. I immediately thought he was right. I began to follow his suggestion to cut the plan back to just one single piece of the structure I envisioned.
Then I began to question why I had so easily agreed with his advice. The need is for the entire structure. The plan for the entire structure is practical. Eight years is not that long a time. The project can deliver great benefits to the clients, to the practitioners and to me. So, why did I consider abandoning my dream so quickly?
I forgot one of the very basic principles in my personal philosophy. I stepped completely out of the “Now”. I began to live and worry in the future. I introduced fear into the plan. The thing pushed me into the future and fear was my age. Will I live long enough to do it?
Why did I make that such a big consideration? I had already planned to develop the system and train my replacement at the same time. I knew that it was not practical to build the entire structure at once. I think what happened was I let some very good advice knock me off balance.
I attend an Eckhart Tolle discussion group. A recent topic was how difficult it is to remain focused on the “Now” when we are troubled. One of the thoughts that evolved was “this is when the focus is the most valuable.” This is true. The “Now” is not a place to hide from the future, or run from the past. It is the time to be and to act.
Our present action does create the future. One of the considerations in our choice of action can be how to create so that our absence will not end our creation. One of Tolle’s primary teachings is that focus on the future as the point of our happiness creates fear. The simple possibility of our absence from that future should not be the fear that prevents action now.
I had a similar dilemma a few years ago. I really wanted a motorcycle. I had ridden for years then sold my last bike. I kept thinking that I wanted to ride again. Then I would tell myself, I was too old to ride. One day I asked myself, “How much younger do you need to be to start riding, again?” Two weeks after that I bought the motorcycle. I had five good years of riding after that.
I am going to start creating my dream, now.


I have read in several different books and articles that 50% of what we remember is false. Of course, we remember big the big events accurately, right? Wrong.
In one study researchers interviewed people within week of the 9/11 attack. That was a major event. The researchers waited 10 years. They interviewed the same people, again. Only 50% of the subjects’ current memories of the event matched their initial memory.
Do I hear a “so what

Well, like most of us, I have some bad memories. Two of them have bothered me off and on for years. This thought occurred to me. “What if my memory of those events is wrong? How can I continue to invest this emotion in something that may not have happened? What if the event was entirely different than I remember it?” Since then these memories have not returned.
Why did they not return? We tend to remember things better, if there is emotion attached. If the emotion detaches from the memory, we are less likely to remember it.
Well, before this I had read that it is hard to change your mind. You have to make a real effort to accept and evaluate new information. Just accepting new information can be difficult. I find that when I am offered the opportunity to read an opposing view I get very, very tired! Really!

If I wade through this feeling, I can at least take in new information. I can evaluate that information and my old information. I need to have enough objectivity to compare my evaluations. The comparison will determine whether the old or the new belief is most likely to be true.
Why is that? When I believe something that is false I want to continue to believe it. If you, or experience, or whatever convinces me that something else is true, I will change my mind. Very shortly after I change my mind I will not believe I ever held the false belief. (Now my new belief can be false. To me at this time it is my true belief.) I will know that I have always held the new belief!

Your mind may be playing games with you. I may be making you miserable with the pain and anger of old memories. It may be lying to you. At least, it may be presenting you will false information. Realize there is a 50/50 chance that it is false, or inaccurate. Walk away from it.