About joyfulwork

I am on a crusade to make Monday as good a day as Friday for everyone who works whether they work for an employee, or for themselves. I am going to start small, but every person or business I work with will move substantially closer to work that is a joyful, fulfilling experience. These are some of the things I bring to this crusade: EDUCATION: BA Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. CitiCorp Technical Trainee Program, Certifications in DISC. TriMetrix, PAIV, VALUES, 21 MICRO SOFT Office units. Multiple software and database training programs. Voracious reading, observing, experimenting and implementing. EXPERIENCE: Public speaking, teaching, training, presenting, business requirements development, computer and human systems design, coding, and implementation, human and computer process improvement, budget and program analysis, team leading, Employers and Clients: USMCR, Office of the Secretary of the Navy, Polaris Missile Systems, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, American Automobile Association, Diners Club, CitiCorp, American Management Systems, Analysts International Corporation, US West, Qwest, Security Life, International Netherlands Group, Early Childhood Development, and Regional Transportation District. Business Owner: Leather and Glass Craftworks, The Entrepreneur’s Source, and Nikkel Consulting INTERESTS – Photography, aikido, karate, tai chi, participatory sports, coaching, weight training, participatory politics, neighborhood maintenance, skiing, travel, public speaking, networking, teaching, theatre, children, grand children, obesity, mental health, physics, and good conversations about them.


At the moment I am 74 years old. I have been physically active all of my life. In the last ten years I have had a bulging cervical disc and a hip replacement. I came back pretty well from the bulging disc. I have some minor paralysis in my hands, a major weakening of the triceps in the left arm and hot/cold flashes in my legs. The recovery from the hip replacement was somewhat slower. Although I continued to work our regularly, the amount of weight I lifted was greatly reduced.

I am also very aware of putting on extra weight. I got down to 178 from 192 through six months of high rep low weight work outs. I don’t particularly care what the weight is, but the 14 lbs came off my waist and I prefer it stay off there.

I mentioned  my holiday gains to my friend, Jim Bates, a hypnotherapist and Psych-K facilitator. He offered to help me to deal with the weight.with either hypnotherapy or Psych-K  I was not much interested in that. I generally can drop 5 lbs by just not buying ice cream for a month.

I got to thinking about the other end of the equation. I would like to get back to benching 250+ lbs. This would increase my ability to lift heavier weights in all the associated exercises. I asked Jim, if he would be interested in working on that instead of the weight reduction. He said he would.

Jim asked me a series of questions about my current situation, weight lifting goals, and attitudes. Jim decided that a Psych-K process was appropriate. He then did a “VAK to the future” with me to hit intermediate weight goals on the bench press. I chose a June goal of 200 lbs and intermediate goal of + 25 lbs in the next six weeks.

The next day I went to the gym to workout. I got impatient and did the chest/triceps workout instead of the back/biceps workout I had scheduled. I began with my current top weight of 120 lbs. I added 10 lbs. I added 15 more lbs. That’s 145 lbs. I hit my six-week goal in one day.

These are the RESULTS for that workout:

Start top weight + one day increase weight = new top weight
Chest press = 120 + 25 = 145 lbs
Narrow grip chest = 70 +20 = 90 lbs
Decline chest = 90 + 20 = 110 lbs
Incline chest = 60 + 20 = 80 lbs

Triceps press = 100 + 10 =110 lbs
Triceps dip = 150 + 15 = 165 lbs
Triceps rope pull down = 100 + 10 = 110 lbs
Triceps one hand press = 45 + 5 = 55 lbs

All these lifts were at 6 or more repetitions. I need to get that to 8 repetitions and be sure that the form is good. As soon as I hit 8 reps with full expansion and contraction, I will increase, again.

I am amazed that I made these increases in one day. I expected to move up about 5 lbs a week on the bench press. I expected to increase proportionally on the other exercises.

I know these are fantastic results. These are results from 1 Psych-K balance!

Contact me at 303-917-6617 if you would like to learn more about this. Jim does Psych-K balances at a distance as well as in person.


I have written about how our feelings influence every one we meet. Their feelings also influence how we feel. I wrote about what a great opportunity this is for each of use to spread a little joy in the world and increase our own joy by doing it.
A week ago I had an intense experience of another emotion. The setting for this was a youth league basketball game. The experience caught me completely off guard. I was watching the game. My grandson was playing well. I was having fun. Suddenly, a spectator in front of me started yelling, threw his cap down on the bleachers, and stalked out of the gym.
I was intensely angry at him. For what? I don’t think I was truly angry with him. I tried to make up reasons why I might be. They were not right. What I was doing was simply reacting and sharing his anger. It was a strong feeling. I mention writing this blog to my wife. She seconded my description of my reaction. She also mentioned that she felt the anger return when he returned. Even after he apologized to the wife of the coach he was angry at my wife was uncomfortable.
This feeling might have been useful at some distant time. It might have been a way to rise up and drive off a predator. The physical symptoms of my anger could create a feeling of danger in that predator. It might have been useful in diverting anger to a weaker target. It’s not very useful now.
I believe sharing aggressive feelings is more common than we think. Sure, we have all had a day ruined by an encounter with a grumpy, unhappy, or unpleasant person. Often this does not happen with a specific person. More often, we are in groups or situations where a number of people are a little angry. We find ourselves on edge. A certain easy irritability or uneasiness creeps into our body. We are ready for a fight or flight..
Fortunately, along with inheriting the ability to sense and mirror another’s feelings we have developed the ability to reflect on our own feelings. When I am infected with an emotion that surprises me I look for the trigger. Sometimes, I do find it in a reaction to something I am aware of. Sometimes, I do not. When I do find a trigger I examine it and gauge the proportion of the cause to the reaction. That often reduces my emotion to a whisper.
The trickier times are when can’t find any cause within myself. Where can it be coming from? Every once in a while I can spot the exact source. That is what happened at the basketball game. That makes it easier to disengage from the emotion. At other times the just does not seem to be a specific cause. When I can find a cause I often find that the exercise of looking for a cause, itself, will drop the intensity of the emotion.
If I can’t find the cause or reduce the emotion, I have two options. I can exit the environment. This is, to me, the better alternative. It puts distance between me and the cause. The other alternative is to enter into a mini meditation and disengage from the environment. That also puts distance between me and the cause.


At times I think my friend Jim will build his entire PSYCH-K® practice walking his dogs. Several weeks ago he met a member of his apartment maintenance crew. They chatted about the weather and stuff.  Jim noticed that J.X. (as we will call him) never looked him in the eye.  Most of the time J.X. looked at the ground with his shoulder slouched.

J.X. wanted to know what Jim did for a living and Jim described his work helping people with PSYCH-K ®.  J.X. described his reaction to that as thinking Jim “was pretty kooky.”  After that two said hello and chatted from time to time.  Even as they became better acquainted, J.X. still avoided looking Jim in the eye. Jim saw that J.X. hung his head and slouched when he noticed him working in the apartment complex.

One evening Jim heard knocking on the door.  He opened it and there stood J.X.  Although he told Jim that he still thought his methods were “kooky” he was desperate.  He was willing to try anything.  Jim asked what the one thing he wanted to change was.  J.X. replied that he had “felt worthless and had no self esteem at all.”  Jim explained the details of how a PSYCH-K® balance works.  He facilitated a basic balance with J.X. J.X. raised his head and looked Jim in the eye.   His head stayed up and his shoulders rolled up and back.  He said that he felt better.

A few hours after Jim facilitated the balance for J.X. he got a phone call.  J.X. was on the line.  He had gone home.  He didn’t stay there.  For the first time in years, he felt the urge to go out to a club.  He was calling from the club to tell Jim that three girls were talking to himHe had gone to clubs before.  Mainly, he stayed on the edge for a while and then went home.  Not this time.  He was not only talking to three girls, but he had started all three conversations!

Since the balance J.X. bought a new truck.  Jim told J.X. that he had progressed from being mainly a cleanup worker.  Now, he was doing real maintenance work.  Jim suggested it might be a good time to ask for a raise.  J.X. agreed with him.  The next time he was in the office J.X. pointed out to the manager that he was doing more difficult and important work.  He said that he deserved a raise.  The manager agreed with him.  The raise will show up on his next pay check.

A few weeks later I met J.X.   He was friendly and smiling.  He looked me in the eye and held his head up and shoulders back.  Most of all he flashed me a high wattage smile.  It was just impossible not to smile back!  He confided to me, as if it were a great joke, that at first he thought Jim was just some old kook.  Now he thinks Jim is a miracle worker!


I have a friend, Jim Bates, who is an experienced PSYCH-K® facilitator. I am a beginner facilitator and Jim sometimes lets me work with him. Some of his clients have agreed to let him share their stories with me and you.  The stories show the terrific impact this process can have in individuals in a very short time.
Jim first met “J “through Laurie. Jim and Laurie had spoken several times. Laurie knew that Jim worked with people to help them get over problems and blockages in their lives. One day, she stopped her car next to him as he walked his dogs. She asked if he could do anything to help alcoholics. He told Laurie could, if they wanted help.  The alcoholic never contacted Jim.

A day or so later Jim answered a knock at the door. A young man stood there with both arms held out in front of him at a 45 degree angle. “J” introduced himself as a friend of Laurie’s and said he was desperate for help. Jim invited him in. As “J” shuffled in the room Jim noticed that he bounced off one side of the door frame. He also noticed that his shirt was worn on both arms and shoulders.

Jim explained what a facilitation process was, and what his rates where. “J” said he wished to work with Jim. Jim asked him what one thing in his life he wished to change the most. “J” said, “I want to stop being so angry at my father.”
Jim explained to him that the way the PSYCH-K process works is on one precise problem at a time. The removal of one problem is often like taking a single can out of a pyramid of cans. All the cans fall. “J” understood that and said he wanted to continue. Jim facilitated the Basic balance with “J”.  “J” said that he “felt a shift.” He paused a moment and said, “I don’t feel angry anymore.”

Jim asked him to walk back and forth across the living room. “J” walked with his hands swinging naturally at his sides! Jim then instructed “J” to go down the hall and look at himself in the mirror. “J” did.  Jim saw that “J” was not bumping against the walls when he walked. Jim asked “J” what he saw.

“J” said, “I LOOK HAPPY.”

Click on Jim  to learn more at www. subconsciouschange.com.  You can reach him at 303-809-9197.

Jim is located in the Denver, CO area. He has also gotten great results for clients over the phone.


You can use PSYCH-K ® to change your mind. Changing your mind can physically change your brain.

PYSCH-K ® facilitation has many powerful effects. One of the most powerful enables the partner to change lifelong self-limiting beliefs. A self-limiting belief is what it sounds like. It is a belief about your ability to learn, to achieve, to perform, even to love and to heal that stops you. The belief sets the limit. You reach that barrier and stop. The belief may have originated in a time when it was true. It may be folk wisdom that is now folk folly.

Karen McKy trains facilitators in intervening in the belief system. PSYCH-K ® is effective. It usually produces results in a single session. This effectiveness led to Karen’s collaboration with Jeffery Fannin, PhD.  Dr. Fannin is a neuroscientist based in Arizona. Dr. Fannin uses qEEG examinations to pinpoint the intensity of activity throughout the brain. Dr. Fannin uses this information to provide custom designed cognitive enhancement training.

The training repairs brain damage. The training increases the brain’s ability to use both hemispheres at a normal or enhanced level. The brain sees and interprets the world with the strengths of both hemispheres. The highly logical left side of the brain and the intuitive right side of the brain observe, interpret, analyze and feel everything. The result is planning, problem solving and creativity.  These all have structure, coherence and detail, as well as inspiration, unique associations, and empathy. Dr. Fannin verifies the changes in the brain with a second qEEG.

Learn about these exciting developments in understanding and enhancing your brain at the CENTER FOR COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT 

Dr. Fannin did a quick test of the qEEG equipment on a member of his staff one morning to verify the machine settings. That morning the staff member displayed radically different results from her last qEEG of three days before. Surprised, Dr. Fannin asked his assistant what she had done over the weekend. She reported that she had taken an introductory PSYCH-K ® class.

The Dr. Fannin became interested in PSYCH-K ® and attended the annual PSYCH-K ® Instructors Conference. During that conference Dr. Fannin met Karen. At that time he did a brain mapping of Karen.

Both the brain enhancement training and the PSYCH-K ® facilitation have great benefits for clients. They work differently and provide different improvements. The qEEG’s administered before and after either intervention show changes in the brain.

Karen’s website contains a exciting information about changing your mind and your brain.  Visit her at Subconscious Change.



“For years, a trio of anemia drugs known as Epogen, Procrit and Aranesp ranked among the best-selling prescription drugs in the United States, generating more than $8 billion a year for two companies, Amgen and Johnson & Johnson. But a Washington Post investigation shows that the benefits of the drugs — including “life satisfaction and happiness,” according to the FDA-approved label — had to be retracted and that potentially lethal side effects, such as cancer and strokes, were overlooked. Millions of patients were subjected to dangerous doses that might have had little advantage.”

This is just a little hard to get my mind around. What it says, though not in so many words, is that the executives of Amgen and Johnson & Johnson are perfectly willing to kill people for profit (cancer and strokes.) How’s that for the “best health system in the world?”
This makes perfect corporate sense. You sell people a drug that is supposed to have benefits that is does not have for the patient. But, oh my, does it have benefits for your drug company. I mean who is going to sell those same patients drugs that may, or may not, reduce the effects of cancer and strokes? Neat huh?
Other than nicer clothes and deodorant there is no difference between the executives of Johnson & Johnson and Amgen and the heads of the Mexican drug cartels. They have a product to sell. If people have to die to maintain drug sales, well let them.


All of us have habitual mistakes we make in our relationships with other people. One of the most common is the False Attribution Error. This is a fancy way of saying, “The reasons I disappointed you were the situation and the circumstances. The reason you disappointed me is your lack of character.” We view our mistakes as stemming from situation and stress. We view others mistakes as stemming from their disposition to be that way.
In dealing with a person who has fallen short of our expectations in some way we need to diffuse our anger. One of the ways to do this is to ask ourselves, “Why would a well meaning, sincere, good hearted person do this? “ This opens our mind to an infinite number of possibilities that are not dispositional. With the mind opened emotions are damped and a reasonable inquiry/conversation/confrontation can take place.
We often find that stress, the situation, limitations, etc. did, indeed, drive the other person. Together, we can remove or change these drivers and find mutually beneficial solutions.
We have all been ambushed by the False Attribution Error when we fall short of what we intended. Most often that ambush comes from within. We fail, make a mistake, disappoint ourselves, etc. and a voice tells us we are a failure, we are stupid, we never deliver. Where is that voice coming from and what is that voice doing to us?
We have internalized the False Attribution Error and we have fed a nagging, negative nuisance that will provide us with a continuing stream of criticism and recrimination. Every time we feed the nagger the voice gets stronger. Drop a wet, slippery dish and the voice shouts “You are a klutz!” Forget your house keys? “You are so stupid!” The voice is very convincing. Soon, we begin to think we are clumsy and stupid.
Use the same technique on yourself that you would use with a friend. Externalize the internal situation a little. Try this mantra. “I am a well meaning, sincere, good hearted and capable person. Why would I do this? ““Did I do it because I chose to do it?”
You are all those things aren’t you? Well, what happened? You bumped the dish against a box of groceries? Then don’t put the box there next time. You left the keys in your other jacket? Pick a place to always put the keys when you come into the house. You dropped another dish two years ago and you can’t remember the last time you forgot your keys. Do those sound like bad habits to you?
The incidents were not big deals. The unhelpful response is. The response blames a nonexistent character failure. The response begins a pattern to convince you that you are clumsy and stupid. Treat yourself as a respected friend. Ignore Mr./Ms Nagging Negative Pants as the ignorant source it is.


I gave a brief talk at a business learning and networking event this week. The subject of the talk was SPREADING YOUR MAGIC. Most of that talk can be found in a series of 4 blogs I wrote with that title. Blog #3 specifically refers to setting yourself in a confident/dominant mode before important meetings, interviews, etc. Using tool like power poses, power gestures, and power walking can actually increase your testosterone in your system by 30% while reducing your estrogen by a corresponding amount. This change in chemical balance initiates a loop between your brain and body that creates a mood of confidence.
One of the tools is swaggering. A friend of mine (Who I will call K) attended my talk. A day later K found herself walking from her bank to a tea shop. Although the visit was a casual decision, she remembered the talk and swaggered from the bank to the tea shop.
When K got to the shop employees were preparing a presentation. K met the presenter at the door. They immediately fell into a conversation. K had another event to go to, but agreed to stay for at least part of the presentation. As she decided to stay the owner emerged from the kitchen area. My friend had been trying to reconnect with this owner for a couple of months. They had discussed K giving a lecture on dream work and never closed on it. The owner was delighted to see K. The owner brought up the lecture and suggested that my friend could do it in two weeks.
K’s swaggering had lent her an air of confidence when she entered the shop. The confidence engendered positive reactions from speaker and the owner. Their responses increased my friend’s confidence. K remained for the entire talk, convinced by people’s reaction to her and her increasing sense of confidence that this meeting was where she should be.
The talk began and the subjects were communication, DISC, and listening. K became even more convinced that she had made the right decision by staying. The talk provided an especially friendly and receptive environment for her specialty, dream work. When the time came for each attendee to introduce themselves, K was ready.
K has always hated doing the 30 second “What I do speeches” at these events. The result has been that her 30 seconds had little sizzle to it. Rarely, did her 30 seconds get any reaction. This time K felt herself strong and confident in talking. She did not worry about what to say. She just let it flow. K’s new confidence and relaxed manner earned her two requests for appointments.
It is just so cool when someone learns something and employs it immediately. It is even more wonderful when it produces such great results.


Two years ago my experience with PSYCH-K was not promising.  It was a short demonstration and I had come without any preparation.  However, I had a great deal of respect for the facilitator, Karen McKy, and her associate, Jim Bates.  Because of this respect I read about a dozen books on neuroscience, on changing the brain, and on the conscious/subconscious synergy in our brains.  The reading verified the science behind PSYCH-K.

The first Saturday and Sunday in June 2012I had the opportunity to attend the two day Basic training for facilitating PSYCH-K.  There is no time to explain PYSCH-K in this blog, but it works on the principal of accessing and using the individual’s own resources.  The individual forms a partnership with the facilitator to reach these resources.

I brought a receptive mind set to the experience.  Karen McKy conducted the training (see her website @ www.subconsciouschange.com ).  The group was small, but very active, friendly, and aggressively participatory.

One of the items I sought to address was the daily feeling of fatigue that I have.  It interferes in my work.  I am getting enough sleep and should not be going through this.  We performed the brain hemispheric synchronization process.  I tested the statement “My body is healed, restored, and full of energy.”

I was surprised when the signal test showed my left hemisphere was not fully supporting this statement.  I would have guessed an inner resistance, or shortage of conviction.  Instead my right hemisphere was on board. My logical, let hemisphere was not.  I realized I knew I needed walking and agility, work, but was not even scheduling it.  Scheduling is a left brain function!  I started attending Tai Chi on the next Wednesday and walked over a mile Wednesday evening.  I will work some lower body into all my weight days.

One of the most potent uses of PSYCH-K is rewriting subconscious blockages.  These blockages are most commonly in the form of negative or self-limiting beliefs.  Another subject I addressed is my failure to confront misinformation at lectures, which bothers me.  People often take action based on the misinformation. I feel it is a disservice to lecture attendees not to challenge statements I know to be incorrect.

While working on the empowering belief statement I would make to confront such misinformation in the future, we explored why I was not doing it now. The issue came down to two elements, a lack of courage and the perception I had to confront the speaker to challenge the information.  That is not true.  If I frame the challenge as a question with my knowledge being new, or evolved from the presented information, I can challenge the information, but not contradict the speaker. I can avoid seeming like a smart ass.  I haven’t had a chance to test this change, but I will.

I found the PSYCH-K Basic Workshop to be more than I expected. Everyone enjoyed it.  Everyone got immediate results.  Everyone learned things about themselves and each other. I would recommend this workshop to anyone who is dealing with mind and life changing issues. I would recommend it to anyone who is seeking additional methods to help others with mind and life changing issues.  Contact Karen www.SubconsciousChange.com


Some of you are thinking, “That’s nice and all, but that is just not me!” Well, it’s not me, either!
All of us have different DISC behavior styles. All of us have the potential to be the high point, the worst point, or no point of another’s day. There are ways for every style to share their magic. I will give examples of how the different styles can share their happiness.
Those of you who are quick decision makers, are only interested in the bullet points, and don’t listen, WARM UP! You have the most likelihood of the 4 major styles, driver, influencer, steady, or compliant/analytical of ruining someone’s day. Because of that you can easily be the high point.
By nature you are abrupt. Here is a classic trait of your style that, if changed radically changes your impact and how you are perceived. When you have finished talking do not simply walk away. I know you value your time and you value mine and don’t want to waste any of it. What I would like to feel is that you valued me.
Take the time to tie a bow on our conversation. Take the opportunity for simple compliments and validations. “I saw you move that cart out of the traffic into the rack, thanks.” “I am not sure anyone else could have put this report together so quickly, good job.” You don’t like to listen. Make the effort. Suddenly, you may discover that it is not so much that “Nobody tells me anything”, but that you haven’t been listening.
Those of you of the influencer persuasion bring your enthusiasm, empathy, and creativity to every conversation. You also have a tendency to bring superstar you to the center of the stage. You want to make someone feel great? Put them there for a couple of minutes.
“Jeff, I that’s how I feel about it. I want to know how you see it.” “You must have a lot of experience with public speaking. I just loved your presentation.” Both of these have one thing in common. Coming from a behavioral style that does not normally listen, you have shown them that you feel they are important. Be sure you do listen. That’s not easy, but you can do it. Focus on the, now.
The first two styles I mentioned have trouble listening. The rest of you guys have trouble talking. Your advantage is that by nature you are listeners. That gives you the information to give high impact compliments and validation, one that touches the things that are important to the speaker.
Of course you listen in two different ways. Those of you, who are calm, laid back, follow processes and are much more comfortable with friends and family will pick up on who I talk about. You will know what people and relationships are important to me, maybe even better than I know that. You will know that telling me, “You did a great job with that customer’s complaint” means a lot more than “You really understand the complaint process.”
You’ve heard me talk for a few minutes and realize that I almost never mention people. You know that things, projects, and objectives are important to me. I will love hearing, “That process you developed really moves things along.”
So, what does all this get you?
I will absolutely guarantee you that lifting yourself up and sharing it will make you happier at the end of the day.