You can use PSYCH-K ® to change your mind. Changing your mind can physically change your brain.

PYSCH-K ® facilitation has many powerful effects. One of the most powerful enables the partner to change lifelong self-limiting beliefs. A self-limiting belief is what it sounds like. It is a belief about your ability to learn, to achieve, to perform, even to love and to heal that stops you. The belief sets the limit. You reach that barrier and stop. The belief may have originated in a time when it was true. It may be folk wisdom that is now folk folly.

Karen McKy trains facilitators in intervening in the belief system. PSYCH-K ® is effective. It usually produces results in a single session. This effectiveness led to Karen’s collaboration with Jeffery Fannin, PhD.  Dr. Fannin is a neuroscientist based in Arizona. Dr. Fannin uses qEEG examinations to pinpoint the intensity of activity throughout the brain. Dr. Fannin uses this information to provide custom designed cognitive enhancement training.

The training repairs brain damage. The training increases the brain’s ability to use both hemispheres at a normal or enhanced level. The brain sees and interprets the world with the strengths of both hemispheres. The highly logical left side of the brain and the intuitive right side of the brain observe, interpret, analyze and feel everything. The result is planning, problem solving and creativity.  These all have structure, coherence and detail, as well as inspiration, unique associations, and empathy. Dr. Fannin verifies the changes in the brain with a second qEEG.

Learn about these exciting developments in understanding and enhancing your brain at the CENTER FOR COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT 

Dr. Fannin did a quick test of the qEEG equipment on a member of his staff one morning to verify the machine settings. That morning the staff member displayed radically different results from her last qEEG of three days before. Surprised, Dr. Fannin asked his assistant what she had done over the weekend. She reported that she had taken an introductory PSYCH-K ® class.

The Dr. Fannin became interested in PSYCH-K ® and attended the annual PSYCH-K ® Instructors Conference. During that conference Dr. Fannin met Karen. At that time he did a brain mapping of Karen.

Both the brain enhancement training and the PSYCH-K ® facilitation have great benefits for clients. They work differently and provide different improvements. The qEEG’s administered before and after either intervention show changes in the brain.

Karen’s website contains a exciting information about changing your mind and your brain.  Visit her at Subconscious Change.



I want to be smarter, calmer, happier, stronger, addiction free, alive longer, more in the now, avoid anxiety and depression and many more good things. I know one of the simplest and most effective steps toward all of these good things is exercise. Do I exercise? Well, yes and no.
I do exercise. I get a real boost in the stronger, calmer, and smarter areas. I am not getting the boost I should get, nor am I getting much of a boost in the other areas. Well, why not? Because I don’t get it and I don’t execute what I do get.
I am fairly regular at the gym. I make it there two to five times a week. The average is more three than four. That’s not where is should be. I need to be exercising an average of six times a week. I am also not getting the concept of balanced exercise. I like to lift weights. It’s what I do. I have pretty good success and progress with it. I am getting results with it.
What I don’t get are two key elements. My average of 3 plus is good. It is definitely better than nothing, but it is not good enough. The weights are not the whole game. They are important, but do not give me the range of results I want and need.
So what is changing my mind? I just finished reading Spark: the revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain by John J. Ratey. The book is filled with solid, scientific explanations of exactly what contributions exercise makes to our bodies and our brains. The book also covers how much and what kind of exercise has the best effects on our human package. So, hard as it is for me to admit I am wrong. I am wrong.
Now, I get it. Today, I am starting an aerobic element in my exercise. I am short on time so, I am going to introduce a “sprint and rest” aerobic pattern. I will make a maximum effort for 30 seconds. I will drop down to rest for a few minutes. I will hit the sprint effort, again. That pattern will let me get a solid aerobic burst in about 10 minutes.
I have recently lost 10 of the 14 lbs a personal trainer recommended I shed. I don’t expect to lose more. I have shifted my weight training from high reps low weight to high weight low reps. I have started adding muscle mass.
So, why am I telling you this? Well, I was going to write a blog about how great exercise is for so many things. I was going to encourage everyone to exercise more. I decided that instead of pushing exercise, I would lead by example.
I get it. It doesn’t work unless I do it. Check back here in month or call or email me, to see what it’s doing for me. We can talk about what it could do for you.
nconsulting2@qwestoffice.net 303-917-6617